Technological Education: Roots in the past, branching into the future.
Construction Studies
Subject Overview
Construction Studies is one of the technology subjects offered at senior cycle. This course is about buildings and “the build environment”. In other words, everything from houses, to bridges, to windmills. You learn everything from planning through to the finished product.
At Bailieborough Community School we believe that it is you attitude not your aptitude that will determine your altitude.
The course aims to introduce pupils to the knowledge and skills involved in construction technology and construction materials and practices; through theoretical study and integrated practical projects.
In the MTW department we use a number of different methodologies such as:-
Questioning is used to engage students in the learning activity and to check understanding of previous knowledge. It encourages the student to explain and give reasons for their answers. It can be used to promote and build self confidence in front of their peers.
Practical Class Demonstrations are carried out to show students specific marking out and processing procedures. Equipment used may include blackboard, models and data-projector.
Spot Demonstrations take place at a student’s own desk and may help clarify a construction or procedure for completion of work.
Workbook is used to revise completed class work and reinforce topics.
Explaining is a valuable teaching method and can be used to introduce new topics and concepts. The use of models, posters, blackboard, computer models, and PowerPoint presentations will enhance teacher explanations.
Discussions are used to explore a topic. This allows students to express their views/opinions and to learn by listening to others.
Collaborating allows the students to talk amongst each other when small items need to be clarified. This is especially useful if a student of better ability is sitting beside a student of lesser ability.
Other effective methodologies include use of displays, exhibition of student’s class work, and review of past projects to meet our students’ needs.
Key Skills
This leads to students mastering the following skills:
- To examine construction details and the built environment.
- Interpreting working drawings.
- To learn how to problem solve and use a design process to design projects
- To develop your craft skills to allow you to make projects
- To prepare a design folder to accompany your project.
There are three parts to the exam:
- Coursework – you will design a project based on any aspect of the syllabus. You will then make the project and prepare a project folder to accompany it (25%).
- Practical – you will do a skills test in which you will produce an artefact from a given working drawing within a 4 hour time frame (25%).
- Written examination – there will be a three hour written paper which examines the construction theory you have learned over the three years (50%).
You can take the exam at Higher or at Ordinary level. When the time comes to decide, your teacher will help you choose the level that suits you best.
In school assessment is carried out in the following ways:
- Observation in class
- Questioning in class
- Homework
- Review of class work in student’s folders/workbooks
- Formal in-house exams at Christmas and Summer
- Mock exams