“Agriculture is the most healthful, most useful and the most noble employment of man.”
Agricultural Science
Agricultural science is the study of the science and technology underlying the principles and practices of agriculture. The course consists of the study of a variety of aspects of agriculture under the following headings:
- Soils.
- The general structure and function of plants
- Farm crops – cereal and roots
- Farm crops – grassland
- Trees and shelter
- Structure and function of the animal body
- The cow, the sheep, horse, and pig
- Farm buildings (from school assessment only)
- Farm-house environment (for school assessment only)
The examination in Agricultural Science consist of
(a) 75% = an examination paper in June &
(b) 25% = an assessment of the work of the student during the course under the headings:
- Identification of plant and animal types associated with agriculture; this needs to be presented in the final project.
- Practical experience with crops, livestock, house and farmyard layouts; (written up as farm diary and project)
- Lab experiments carried out related to ecology, soil science, animal physiology, plant physiology, genetics and microbiology.
Written up in a lab copy.
Each student needs to present a finished project folder and completed lab copy which will be examined in May of the exam year. The final written exam is in June.
AG.SCIENCE Practical Exam Prep: Experiments:
- Examiners can choose any student for the practical exam.
- It is by random so EVERY student must be prepared.
- You will be shown a selection of experiments from your course; these cover 6 areas, soil, plant, ecology, animal physiology, microbiology and genetics.
- You are expected to be able to answer questions on the experiments displayed in the lab on the practical exam day.
- You are also expected to have presented your teacher with a lab copy full of experiments that cover all 6 areas. The examiner sees and marks every student’s copy on the day.
Experiment copy.
Lab experiments carried out and written up in lab copy, from the following topic areas.
- Ecology, soil science, animal physiology, plant physiology, genetics, microbiology
Class work
Students are required to have Breaking Ground textbook, a class notes copy in every class.
Career Prospects
Many of our past students have gone on to study Agricultural Science at third level. Some of our students have attended University College Dublin, Dundalk IT, & Ballyhaise Agricultural College.
Some of the job options include:
Agricultural consultant
Farm manager
Soil scientist
Fish Farm manager
Rural practice surveyor
Animal nutritionist
Scientific Journalist and many more.