An Easter Message for Parents/Guardians
Dear Parent/Guardian,
As your son /daughter (s) approach their Easter holidays it is time for them to take a break, refresh and look forward to the term ahead in spite of the challenges it will bring.
The next two weeks offer an opportunity for 3rd, 6th and LCA2 students to stay engaged with their learning. We realise how hard it has been but urge them to stay motivated. Revising in depth, practising exam questions, using their Studyclix account, catching up on outstanding assignments and engaging with teachers who outlined work for them over the next two weeks will eventually pay off.
We would have liked to provide further clarity around the State Examinations but regret not being in a position to do so. As soon as we get an update, we will inform you.
We are grateful for your support to date in encouraging your son/daughter (s) to engage with online learning and to stay connected with their teachers via Outlook Email/One Drive (Shared Folder) and MS Teams.
Thank you for monitoring our website and Facebook page at regular intervals. As soon as we get an update regarding the upcoming term, we will be in touch again.
May all of our students return to BCS safe and well when this pandemic ends.
Happy Easter to you and your loved ones.
Ms Lievens & Mr Kenny