VERY IMPORTANT: Calculated Grades Student Portal: Opens Tuesday 26th /Closes Thursday 28th May
In line with changes required to deliver calculated grades to students due to sit Leaving Certificate and Leaving Certificate Applied examinations this year, the Calculated Grades Executive Office of the Department of Education and Skills has developed a Calculated Grade Student Portal.
The online system, the Calculated Grades Student Portal, will open at 10am tomorrow Tuesday 26th May and will close at 10pm on Thursday 28th May for Leaving Certificate and Leaving Certificate Applied.
In this time period students need to do the following;
Leaving Certificate Applied Students will need to complete the registration process.
All other Leaving Certificate Students need to complete the registration process AND confirm their subject levels.
The Department of Education and Skills has released a letter for students and parents/guardians about the process which can be found below. There is also a document from the Department of Education and Skills which explains the process.
Please read everything carefully. Links can be found in the first word of each bullet point.