Our aim is to generate and maintain an inclusive climate of learning within which each student is enabled to develop and fulfil their unique potential.
Learning Support
B.C.S. aims to “optimise the teaching and learning process enabling pupils with learning difficulties to achieve adequate levels of proficiency in literacy and numeracy” (Learning Support Guidelines).
B.C.S. is committed to assisting SEN pupils with difficulties with a variety of resources including specialist equipment, RACE (Reasonable Accommodations in the Certificate Examinations), SNAs (Special Needs Assistants) and mobility assistance. Inclusion of students with learning and physical disabilities is dependent on additional resources and funding by the Department of Education and Science.
B.C.S. believes that the school lends itself naturally to physical and sensory disability. There are no steps within the main school building however there are certain limitations in accessing the school sports hall. Classroom location and the location of lockers are specifically managed to accommodate these pupils, e.g. easily accessed classrooms for pupils who use a wheelchair. An extension is currently planned to facilitate students who are in mainstream and are on the Autistic Spectrum.
B.C.S. views parental involvement as key to delivering on its SEN policy. Parents are consulted regarding subject choices and are to the fore in the Reasonable Accommodations in the Certificate Examinations (RACE) process. We also encourage parental involvement in the development of IEP’s for individual students.
Categories of SEN
To date in B.C.S. we have included students with the following SENs:
- Learning Support Students
- Borderline/Mild General Learning Difficulties
- Specific Learning Difficulties (Dyslexia and Dyscalculia)
- Emotional/Behavioural Difficulties (e.g. ADD and ADHD)
- Physical Difficulties (Dyspraxia, Wheelchair users, Cerebral Palsy)
- Autistic Spectrum Disorder (ASD e.g. Asperger’s Syndrome) and Autism
- Sensory Difficulty (Visual and Hearing Impairment)
- Students with English as an Additional Language (EAL)
- Medical difficulties that have led to the need for learning support
SEN Team
The aim of the special education needs team is to optimise the teaching and learning process so that all pupils, no matter what their ability, receive an education suitable to their needs. The role of supporting learning is a collaborative responsibility shared by all :- The Board of Management, the Principal, Subject Teachers, Learning Support, Resource Teacher, Parents and pupils themselves. It is vital that everyone contributes to the planning and implementation of our school plan on learning support/resource.
B.C.S. favours inclusion and for this, both flexibility and creativity is needed. Therefore we aim to provide an optimum learning environment for all our students. To ensure this
- Teaching is planned with the learning of all students in mind.
- Lessons encourage the participation of all students.
- Students are actively involved in their own learning.
- Classroom discipline is based on mutual respect.
- Teachers plan, teach and review in partnership with other teachers and parents.
- Special Needs Assistants provide the link and vital follow-on required for SEN students during their day-to-day participation in school.